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Old 29th August 2011, 18:56   #1
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Question What Annoys You Most About The Opposite Gender?

I don't want to start a flame war or anything, so if moderators deem this thread to be flame bait, please delete it without comment. But I just need to rant about what annoys me most about alot of women I've met...

I hate the way that women, once they get their claws into you, spend the entirety of the relationship trying to change you, and mold you into someone else. It's all the more galling when they knew what kind of person you are before getting involved with you.

I mean, if women really think that I am moody and distant, that's just tough. There is nothing that they or I can do to change that; they either take me as they find me, or find someone else more to their liking. I don't care if so-and-so is not like this, and don't need to be told that I should be more like so-and-so. If those guys were so great, why didn't these women hook up with one of them, instead of wasting their time with me?

And the really annoying thing about hearing constant quips and complaints about my alleged moodiness, is that, guess what? It doesn't do anything to improve my mood. All that is accomplished by this, is that I feel provoked into pushing the girl in question away, regardless of how much I may actually care about her. Also, why does it never occur to some women that maybe they are contributing to my up and down moods?

Finally, whilst I will freely admit that I am guilty of keeping romantic partners at arms length. Why is it so hard for women to understand that I am not being cold and distant, but that I have my reasons for not wanting to let anybody get too close?

Apologies for any offence caused. This is something that has been bothering me for a while, and I just needed to get it off my chest.

Feel free to ignore this post, as it isn't directed at anyone here.
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Old 29th August 2011, 19:08   #2
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I have no reason to delete this thread - looks like an interesting theme. I am already waiting for other posts
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Old 29th August 2011, 21:17   #3
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"What Annoys You Most About The Opposite Gender?"

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Old 29th August 2011, 21:49   #4
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The complete and opposite wiring of the brains. Men mostly operate on logic, and women mostly operate on emotion. This leads to situations where the men can find a situation absolutely stupid, whereas women don't even begin to see the futility.

Here's a good example I like to use. A friend of mine has a girlfriend who always complains he spends too much on everything. A new laptop, a new recurve bow, TV, and even things like food, drink, cooking items, tools. Every single line out of her mouth "It's too expensive." Even if you're talking about a dollar more on pasta AND she admits it's a better brand, it's still too expensive.

Then she drags us to Pier 1 where she proceeds to buy the entire fucking store. Not ONE THING she buys is actually useful, just decoration or novelty; like an easter egg tree. WOW I'm glad you have fiscal sense. That 40 dollar made in China easter egg tree that is only a good decoration for two weeks out of the year is a wise fucking investment, isn't it!

Never, not for a single second, did she ever consider anything in that store too expensive to prohibit owning it. She did have to reserve herself from buying things due to lack of money, but she never said "It's too expensive."

Now that pisses me off. Fuck Pier 1.
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Old 30th August 2011, 06:08   #5
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Originally Posted by Entropy View Post
The complete and opposite wiring of the brains. Men mostly operate on logic, and women mostly operate on emotion.
While I agree that we do tend to get a bit more emotional than men do,
nothing could be further from the truth.
Logic and men as a general rule tend to almost be an oxymoron.

Women for the most part do not start wars, (Except for maybe Joan of Arc & Catherine the Great)
or screw over the own countrymen & women for power and political gain.
Women tend to be more supportive & nurturing while men tend to be more aggressive & destructive.
And if that isn't the antithesis of logic, I don't know what is.

And before someone gets all cranky, I'm not bashing men.
Men are great, I think every woman should own one.

Originally Posted by iLikeBigButtz View Post
I hate the way that women, once they get their claws into you, spend the entirety of the relationship trying to change you, and mold you into someone else. It's all the more galling when they knew what kind of person you are before getting involved with you.
Honestly most of the time, some of you could use some changing.
Most of you were living in a one bedroom apartment at the time,
decorated with whatever hot swimsuit model was hot at the time's posters,
the clothes you were wearing were probably the least stinkiest ones
to come out of the dirty clothes hamper and fabreezed,
and you probably couldn't remember the last home cooked meal you had,
unless your mother made it.

If it wasn't for women, most of you would probably still be wearing bearskins.
Last edited by Frosty; 30th August 2011 at 06:17.
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Old 30th August 2011, 07:12   #6

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Originally Posted by thefrostqueen View Post
Women for the most part do not start wars, (Except for maybe Joan of Arc & Catherine the Great)
Well, any appearance of that is because we've been a lot of heavy lifting all these years.
But how many women were behind men whispering into ears, or how many wars were about impressing the opposite sex?

And Joan of Arc just participated in a war, really.

But in terms of women who have done the war thing...just some examples are Cleopatra or Queen Anne of Queen Anne's War.
Then also Margaret of Anjou in the War of the Roses for another example.

Really it just comes down who's in power....because war flows to whom it is. Be it men or women.

The USA's recent Libya stuff, that was pushed heavily by certain females in the Obama administration...itching for action.
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Old 30th August 2011, 07:22   #7
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Originally Posted by DemonicGeek View Post
Well, any appearance of that is because we've been a lot of heavy lifting all these years.

The USA's recent Libya stuff, that was pushed heavily by certain females in the Obama administration...itching for action.
Hey, don't push your male aggressiveness off on us.
Men been killing each other off for centuries without any help from females.
True, there may have been a few instances here and there,
but if you started counting them, it'd be 10,000 to 1. (Advantage: Male)

We don't whisper in your ear to start wars.
We whisper in your ear to get your ass off the couch and go mow the lawn.
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Old 30th August 2011, 07:43   #8
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Originally Posted by Urge0k View Post
"What Annoys You Most About The Opposite Gender?"

They got all the fun naughty bits!
Provided we get to play with them, surely that's a good point?

Originally Posted by thefrostqueen View Post
We don't whisper in your ear to start wars.
We whisper in your ear to get your ass off the couch and go mow the lawn.
Which is precisley why we wander off and go and start a nice, quiet little war.

Wars tend to be started by ideologies, and the desire for power and resources, regardless of whether it's a woman or a man in charge. Joan of Arc didn't start a war, her belief that she had been instructed by God to reclaim her homeland helped extend one.

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Old 30th August 2011, 07:46   #9

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Originally Posted by thefrostqueen View Post
Hey, don't push your male aggressiveness off on us.
Men been killing each other off for centuries without any help from females.
True, there may have been a few instances here and there,
but if you started counting them, it'd be 10,000 to 1. (Advantage: Male)
But how do the instances of male power versus female power stack up though?

Margaret in the Wars of the Roses was ruling in place of Henry the VI because of his frequent bouts of going looney tunes.

Originally Posted by thefrostqueen View Post
We don't whisper in your ear to start wars.
We whisper in your ear to get your ass off the couch and go mow the lawn.
Hrm, but surely in this new age the man can fold the laundry and watch the big game, while the woman takes care of the lawn duties. Just don't forget to the bag the grass, please.
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Old 30th August 2011, 17:55   #10
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Originally Posted by Entropy View Post
The complete and opposite wiring of the brains. Men mostly operate on logic, and women mostly operate on emotion. This leads to situations where the men can find a situation absolutely stupid, whereas women don't even begin to see the futility.
Completely agreeing with that. That's what leads to most problems between men and women. That's what makes it so hard to speak trully open about things you wear in your heart.
What I don't like about women, is that every decent, girlfriend-suitable woman is already engaged to either a complete asshole or a really boring turd.
And am I the only one who sometimes thinks that women are too demanding, theses days. You also never know what they really want, what drives them in life.... Women confuse me

Biggest problem is to try to generalize women, and not regarding them as individuals... very contra-productive
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