To Protect and Serve
Beyond Redemption
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 24,894
Thanks: 262,696
Thanked 261,304 Times in 20,237 Posts
Hentai / Anime Rules
01. Review and obey the forum-wide Posting Guidelines.
02. Before posting, you MUST read: Allowed File & Image Hosts.
03. Do not include the name of pay-sites in thread titles or text of posts.
04a. Posts must not include links to folders, websites, blogs, streaming video or other forums.
04b. Posts by creators of original artwork may include a link to their website or blog.
05a. Video Posts- Include no more than one (1) video per post.
- Video posts must include a screen capture with at least four (4) images.
- Video posts must include the file description: file size, duration, resolution and language.
- Censored videos must include 'Censored' in the file description.
- File descriptions must be typed into posts; example: (187mb | 08:21 | 640x480 | Japanese | Censored). File descriptions on screen captures alone are not sufficient.
05b. Image Posts- Include no more than twenty-five (25) images per post.
- Include no more than one zipped image file per post.
- Image posts must include at least three (3) sample images and file description; example: (33.2mb x 102 pics).
- Include publication date(s) when posting site rips.
06. Do not post images larger than 500kb.
07. Post in the proper sections:08a. Posts including Rapidgator links also must include mirror links from a file host other than Rapidgator.
08b. Multi-part Rapidgator links must be interchangeable with mirrors from a file host other than Rapidgator.
09. The following content is prohibited:- images depicting characters under 18 years old, including "Lolita" and "Lolicon"
- images portraying scenes of rape
- do not use the Term Rape...If a Mod see it the complete post will be removed!
- images portraying bestiality (i.e. sex with pets, farm animals and jungle beasts).
- images portraying monsters, exotic creatures and fantasy characters will be reviewed on an individual basis.
- Battlestrength
- Catfightcentral
- Crazy xxx3D World (incl: JAG27, Epoch, Mastermind, Poochy, Rockgoblin, Sandmarine, Marah Lafew, Otto Maddox, Daemond3D)
- CaptainTrips, or DigitalEmpress, The Empress Chronicles
- Dangerbabecentral
- Dofantasy
- Deucesworld
- Fansadox
- Fractux/
- HipComix - McComix & Hip-Bondage (that incl. all Artists from this Sides)
- Homealone_447 - new Name Droid_447
- Horrorbabecentral
- Hustler
- Jabcomix
- James Lemay
- Lollicon
- Mickey Lange
- Monsterbabecentral
- Quoom
- Redrobot's 3D art!
- Shadoman
- Spacebabecentral
- Strideri
- Superheroinecentral
- TGComics ( SturkWurk, Vivian Lightly, Mako, Seer Coltz, Keshara, Commotion22, Naked Funn, CBlack, Infinity Sign, PJ Wright )
- Totally Spies!
- Uncle Sickey Comics
- World of Smudge
- x3d-artwork
- xavierduvet Comics
Any contentl from artists: Nicky Dmitrys, Juan José Ryp, Venturi ,
Pes & Lupo, Christina Fabris, Bex, Jacobsen,Threshold 49 - 54
Do not post games originating from the following websites:
- thesandman (only with permission)
If you mix any of the above content in a post with permissible material, the entire post will be removed. Please contact a Moderator for explanation as to why a post was removed before you re-post the same content. Repeated abuses will not be allowed or tolerated.
10. Request particular content here (contributors only please).
11. Clever or informative comments are o.k., but we discourage replys such as: "Thanks," "Great Art," "My favorite issue," etc. Please express gratitude for posts by clicking one or both of the following icons: conveys ten reputation points and registers as thanks given;
conveys reputation points (positive or negative), allows for a private comment, but does not register as thanks given or received. 12. Report dead or broken links here. Do not post requests for re-uploaded content in the thread; send one personal message to the original uploader.
13. Contact a Moderator or SuperModerator if you have any questions.
14. Check this thread periodically for updates.
Thank you for contributing.
Last edited by LarryO; 19th March 2025 at 06:35.
Reason: spelling