Ok, ok...
there are very good sigs.
The black and white is the most cool thing i ever see, the model is incredible. The lightning has a really good efect.
One thing is the composition of the image and another thing is the topic of the sign. My god!!!!!!!! 9 girls = 18 boobs that's... a beautiful dream.
The background fits with every girl. Good work of rendering there!
i like it
The girl is awsome. The red and white backgraudn fits well. But... it has errors in the borders of the girl. You need to practice more with the eraser!
Red Riding hood:
Waw an animation!!! i like the girls kissing, the border and lack backgraund. The girls look spectacular in that!
talking about thems. Good selection of pictures!
And my vote is for:
I'm a Snow Leopard Grrrrrrrrr!!!