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Old 13th September 2010, 06:40   #1
To Protect and Serve

Beyond Redemption
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Exclamation KINKY FETISHES RULES - read before posting!

German Translation

This post #1 contains the current Kinky Fetishes Rules.
Subsequent posts show only the history of changes reflected in this post

01a. Review and obey forum-wide Posting Guidelines.
01b. Before posting, you MUST read and obey: Allowed File and Image Hosts.

02a. Posts including Rapidgator links also must include mirror links from a file host other than Rapidgator.
02b. Multi-part Rapidgator links must be interchangeable with mirrors from a file host other than Rapidgator.
02c. Do not post links requiring a premium account for download.

03. The following is Prohibited:
- content featuring persons under 18 years old
- content portraying scenes of rape (real or simulated)
- content portraying bestiality
- content portraying actual childbirth
- content portryaing 'scat'
04a. Do not post links to websites, blogs, folders, streaming video or other forums.
04b. Do not include paysite names in posts, links or thread titles.
04c. Do not post the same material in more than one (1) Kinky Fetishes thread.
04d. Include no more than one (1) hot-linked picture per post, maximum size 250 kb.

05. Post in the Proper Section
  • Only post kinky or fetish content in this section.
  • Post "Hairy Pussy" content here.
  • Post "Bondage/BDSM" content here.
  • Post "Enema/Fisting/Piss" content here.
  • Post "Female Domination (Femdom)" content here.
  • Post "Bi-sexual, Male-Male, Shemale and Ladyboy" content here.
06a. Junior Members and Registered Users must not post in the same thread for more than one (1) hour during a twenty-four (24) hour period. See: FAQ - One Hour Posting Rule
06b. Do not post more than twenty (20) times in all Kinky Fetishes sections within a twenty-four (24) hour period.
06c. Do not post in more than three (3) threads in any one Kinky Fetishes section within a twenty-four (24) hour period.
06d. Threads containing posts of the same subject matter will be merged without notice.
06e. New threads will not be visible until approved by a Moderator.

07. Videos
07a. Post videos only consisting of single scenes. Full-Length Kinky movies are permitted in Kinky Movies, not in this section.
07b. Include no more than one (1) video per post.
07c. Video posts must include a screen capture with at least four (4) images.
07d. Video posts must include the file description: file size, duration, file type and resolution.
07e. File descriptions must be typed into posts; example: (187mb - 08:21 - .avi - 640x480).
07f. File descriptions on screen captures alone are not sufficient.

08. Pictures
08a. Include no more than twenty-five (25) pictures per post.
08b. Include no more than one link to zipped picture files per post.
08c. Picture posts must include at least three (3) sample pictures, zip file size and number of pictures; example: (33.2mb x 102 pics).

09. File Splitting
Files 0001mb - 0399mb must not be posted with more than 1 download link.
Files 0400mb - 0799mb must not be posted with more than 2 download links.
Files 0800mb - 1199mb must not be posted with more than 3 download links.
Files 1200mb - 1599mb must not be posted with more than 4 download links.
Files 1600mb - 1999mb must not be posted with more than 5 download links.
Files 2000mb - 2399mb must not be posted with more than 6 download links.
Files 2400mb - 2799mb must not be posted with more than 7 download links.
Files 2800mb - 3199mb must not be posted with more than 8 download links; etc.

10. Community Threads
Concerning: Cum Swallow Mega Thread, Planetsuzy's Jerkoff Instruction / Encouragement Videos and Planetsuzy's Humiliation Mega-thread
  1. Post only content appropriate to each thread.
    - Bukkake does not belong in Cum Swallow thread.
    - Humiliation content does not belong in Jerkoff Instruction thread
    - Jerkoff instruction content does not belong in the Humiliation thread.
    - Jerkoff encouragement / instruction audio must accompany videos posted in the Jerkoff Instruction thread.
    - Humiliation / insulting audio must accompany videos posted in the Humiliation Megathread.
  2. Do not post the same video in a community thread and your personal thread.
  3. Junior Members do not have permission to post in other member's Kinky Fetishes section threads, including community threads.
11a. Report dead or broken links here, not in Kinky Fetishes threads.
11b. Make requests here, not in Kinky Fetishes threads.

12. Clever or informative comments are o.k., but we will delete replys such as: "Thanks," "Great rack," "I would do her," etc. Please express gratitude for posts by clicking one or both of the following icons:
conveys reputation points (positive or negative), allows for a private comment, but does not register as thanks given or received;
conveys ten reputation points and registers as thanks given.
13. Contact a Moderator or SuperModerator if you have any questions.

14. Threads/posts may be edited, moved, merged or removed at the sole discretion of staff and without notice.

15. Check this thread periodically for updates.

Most of all, have fun and thanks for contributing!

Do not post content from the following websites; you will be banned:
Last edited by LarryO; 27th April 2024 at 23:07. Reason: Rule 07a Revised
LarryO is offline  
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